You're 16
#8 in 1960

John Joseph "Johnny" Burnette was born on March 25, 1934, in Memphis Tennessee. Johnny grew up in a public housing project in the Lauderdale Courts area of Memphis, which from 1948 until 1954, was also the home of Gladys and Vernon Presley and their son, Elvis. Research dates this stirring clip from November 26, 1960, NBC TV half-hour variety show "Saturday Prom" hosted by Merv Griffin. Johnny Burnette and the Viscounts perform "You're 16" live and accompanied? by famed NBC orchestra replete with violins. Bobby Vinton conducts orchestra here. Back then, teenagers didn't always try to find hidden meanings in songs. We just enjoyed them. "...ooh, when we kissed, we could not stop" just meant we couldn't stop kissing. ??? On August 14, 1964 Brunette's unlit fishing boat was struck by a cabin cruiser in Clear Lake, California. The impact threw Johnny off the boat and he drowned.
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