These Arms of Mine
#20 in 1962

Otis Ray Redding, Jr. was born in Dawson Georgia on September 9, 1941. He moved with his family to Macon, Georgia when he was five and sang in the choir of the Vineville Baptist Church, and became somewhat of a local celebrity as a teenager after winning a local Sunday night talent show 15 weeks in a row. This Video is from a scene in the film Roadhouse. Redding, his manager, the pilot, and four members of his backup band, The Bar-Kays, were killed when his chartered plane crashed into Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin, on December 10, 1967. Redding was 26 years old at the time of his death. He was entombed on his private ranch in Round Oak, Georgia, 23 miles north of Macon.
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