Summer Wine

Nancy Sandra Sinatra was born June 8, 1940, in Jersey City, New Jersey. She is the daughter of popular singer Frank Sinatra and his first wife, Nancy Barbato, and remains best known for her 1966 signature hit "These Boots Are Made for Walkin", written and produced by Lee Hazelwood.
Lee Hazlewood was born July 9, 1929 in Mannford, Oklahoma. Hazlewood partnered with pioneering rock guitarist Duane Eddy., producing and cowriting an unprecedented string of hit instrumental records, including "Peter Gunn", "Boss Guitar", "40 Miles Of Bad Road", "Shazam!", and "Rebel Rouser". Hazlewood died of renal cancer in Henderson, Nevada on August 4, 2007, survived by his wife Jeane, son Mark and daughters Debbie and Samantha.
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