Steve Horn Stand By Me

{short description of image}The Five Sharks were formed in the Bronx, New York, in 1963 by founding members Mark Dinep, lead, Larry Rosenzweig baritone Henry Levy ,second tenor, and Eddie Schwarts, first tenor The Five Sharks, were in fact just four guys for there first 4 records, their harmony was very high and their producer Bobby Miller suggested a bass. They went through 2 or 3 basses before they found Steve Horn, so he is not actually a founding member. This group put together a large body of work and recorded the classic “Stormy Weather” along with Acapella versions of “Possibilities”, “Canadien Sunset”, and “Happy Teenager” plus many other songs on Old Timer and Siamese record labels. In 1965, Kenny Bank and Henry Salas joined the group replacing Levy and Rosensweig. This group continued to record and perform until 1968 and also had a large body of work that can be heard on the Acapella recordings of “So Much In Love”, the haunting “Flames 66”, “Teardrops Follow Me” and “Stand By Me” among others on the Cat-Time and Siamese labels. The Five Sharks were part of the best Acapella albums ever put out .
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