Soul Man

Sam and Dave were vocal duo, who performed together from 1961 through 1981. The tenor (higher) vocalist was Samuel David Moore born Samuel David Hicks on October 12, 1935, Winchester, Georgia, and the baritone/tenor (lower) vocalist was Dave Prater born May 9, 1937, Ocilla, Georgia. Primarily recorded at Stax Records in Memphis, Tennessee from 1965 through 1968, these songs included "Soul Man", "Hold On, I'm Coming", "I Thank You", and other Southern soul classics. Nicknamed "Double Dynamite" for their electrifying, sweaty, gospel-infused performances, Sam & Dave were also considered by critics to be one of the greatest live performing acts of the 1960s. Dave Prater died in died in a car crash in Sycamore, Georgia, on Apri l9, 1988, while driving to his mother's house.
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