Heat Wave Martha & the Vandellas

Gerald Joseph Blavat (July 3, 1940 – January 20, 2023), also known as "The Geator with the Heater" and "The Big Boss with the Hot Sauce, was an American disc jockey and performer who had been a major influence in promoting oldies music on the radio. A Philadelphia icon, he gained local fame hosting live dances in the area, leading to his own independent radio show, on which he introduced many acts in the 1960s to a wide audience. In 1953, Blavat debuted on the original Bandstand on WFIL-TV with Bob Horn and Lee Stewart. In 1956, he managed a national tour for Danny and the Juniors, and he worked as Don Rickles' valet in 1958–59. He got his start in radio on January 15, 1961, at WCAU in Camden, New Jersey. By 1963, his show was syndicated in Atlantic City, Trenton, Pottstown, Wilmington and Allentown. He said he refused to follow a playlist, "playing music from the heart, not a research chart. Jerry Blavat purchased the Elbow Room in 1972, at the age of 32, changed the name to Memories. He has been there from Memorial Day to Labor Day for 50 years spinning records from 7pm to 4am, Memories is located in Margate, NJ. Blavat died in hospice at Methodist Hospital in Lower Moyamensing following complications from myasthenia gravis on January 20, 2023, which is National Disc Jockey Day. He was 82.
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