Dale Houston (April 23, 1940 September 27, 2007) along
with his performing partner, Grace Broussard,(April 23, 1940 –
September 27, 2007) rocketed to the top of the Billboard chart with
two rock and roll hits - gold records with more than 1 million copies
sold - "I'm Leaving It Up to You" (No.1) and "Stop and
Think It Over" (No. 8) in 1963 and 1964, respectively.
In 1963, Houston was working in a bar in Ferriday, Louisana. Sam Montel
approached Houston about teaming up with a female singer, Grace Broussard
The two met and practiced on Montel's home piano for four hours. When
Houston began to play an old Don and Dewey song from the mid-1950s,
"I'm Leaving It Up To You," Montel was awakened and declared
that it would be "a hit!"
This is a non-profit, informational web page, meant to be a
reminder of the music we listened to 50 years ago. Use of copyrighted
material is consistent with the "fair use" provisions contained in
section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976; the use of copyrighted material is
of a nonprofit, educational nature, intended for the sole purposes of
research and comment and does not significantly negatively affect "the
potential market for or value of the copyrighted work(s)."