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Dodie Stevens
Roc-N-Roll Graffiti Recorded Live in Nashville, Tn. 1999

Pink Shoelaces
#3 in 1959

Dodie Stevens was born Geraldine Ann Pasquale, on February 17, 1946, in Chicago, Illinois. She is best known for her million selling 1959 song "Pink Shoe Laces", which made her a star when she was only 13 years old. The president of Crystalette Records, Carl Burns, happened to see her in a local show called "Strickly Informal." Mr. Burns gave her the name Dodie Stevens and the song "Pink Shoe Laces." Stevens married at the age of sixteen and moved to Missouri and lived on a farm. A few years later, she had a daughter, Stephanie. Soon thereafter, in 1966, she ended her marriage and resumed her singing career. Her daughter is singing backup on this song. Can you pick her out?
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