#2 1959

Lloyd Price was born on March 9, 1933, and grew up in a suburb of New Orleans. His mother owed the Fish N Fry restaurant. Known as "Mr. Personality", after the name of one of his biggest million-selling hits. His first recording,was "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" In 1954 he was drafted and ended up in Korea. When he returned he found he had been replaced by Little Richard. In addition, his former chauffeur, Larry Williams, was also recording for the label, having released "Short Fat Fannie". During the 1970s Price owned a Manhattan restaurant-nightclub called Turntable and helped Don King promote fights including Muhammad Ali's "Rumble in the Jungle". He later became a builder erecting 42 town houses in the Bronx. On March 9, 2010, his 77th Birthday, in New Orleans, Lloyd Price was inducted into The Louisiana Music Hall of Fame and on June 20, 2010, Price appeared and sang in season 1 finale of the HBO series "Treme". He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998, and currently lives in Westchester County, New York. As of 2017 he continues to sing.
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