1955 - 1957

It became clear in 1955 that Rock "n" Roll was no passing fad, on July 9, 1955, the mild-mannered Bill Haley's Rock Around the Clock reached number one. The theme song from "Blackboard Jungle" became rocks first international hit as it topped the UK charts in November. Elvis turned 20, Buddy Holly was still a teenager, James Bronw was 22, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, and Little Richard all turned 23 in 1955. Alan Freed began promoting rock n roll show, even though segregation was outlawed in 1954 the concerts rarely had black and whites perform together. April 14th Easter Jubilee broke all attendance records at the Paramount Theater in Brooklyn. On the 16th, for an admission price of 60 cents Elvis made his first appearance in the Big D Jamboree. Patsy Cline debuts her first recordings. The Famous Flames led by 22 year old Jame Brown record Please, Please, Please at radio station WIBB in Macon Georgia. November 21st Col. Tom Parker takes control of Elvis. Tennessee Ernie Ford's Sixteen Tons begins it's journey toward number 1. Child singing siblings Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibb begin regular Saturday morning performances at local cinemas in Manchester, England.
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