Old Time Rock N Roll
#28 in 1979

Bob Seger was born at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit on May 5, 1945. He attended Ann Arbor High School (now Pioneer High School) in Ann Arbor and graduated in 1963. Seger has recorded many rock and roll hits, including "Night Moves", "We've Got Tonight", "Like a Rock" and also co-wrote the Eagles number one hit "Heartache Tonight." His iconic signature song "Old Time Rock and Roll" was named one of the Songs of the Century in 2001. Seger was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. The final single, 1979's "Old Time Rock & Roll", was the least successful single from the album Stranger in Town, but achieved substantial airplay. Moreover, it would later became one of Seger's most recognizable songs following its memorable Tom Cruise dancing in his underwear in the 1983 film Risky Business. The Silver Bullet Band was formed in 1974. Its original members were: Drew Abbott, guitar, Charlie Allen Martin, drums, Rick Mannassa, keyboards, Chris Campbell, bass guitar, Alto Reed saxophones, flutes, guitar, keyboards and percussion. Seger himself did all lead vocals and plays guitar and piano.
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