John Dee Abohosh, was born on February 6, 1936, in Dallas, Texas.
He moved to Ventura, California, in his teens where he was adopted by
his stepfather and took the name of John D. Faircloth. In 1958, there
was a meeting at Eldo Records between the promoter Red Gilson and a
woman who said she represented a remarkable singer and showman named
Donnie Brooks. Gilson was persuaded to get the kid a shot at the next
El Monte Legion Stadium Show. That Saturday Brooks sang two numbers
including a Ray Charles hit "What'd I Say". His performance was ulta-
high energy that was inspiring to all in attendance. In March of 1960 he
recorded "Mission Bell" with the background group The Blossoms and peaked
at number 7. Brooks recorded other songs but none acheived the success that
"Mission Bell" did. Donie Brooks passed away on February 23, 2007, from a
heart attack at the age of 71.
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