
Dick Dale born Richard Anthony Monsour on May 4, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts, is a surf rock guitarist, known as "The King Of The Surf Guitar". He experimented with reverberation and made use of custom made Fender amplifiers, including the first ever 100 watt amp. Since Dale was left-handed he was initially forced to play a right-handed model, much like Jimi Hendrix would do a few years later. However, he did so without restringing the guitar, leading him to effectively play the guitar upside-down. Dale soon began appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show and in films. His signature single "Misirlou" went to No. 1 in Los Angeles. Dale died in Loma Linda, California, on March 16, 2019. He suffered from heart and kidney failure, his wife Lana was by his side when he passed at the Loma Linda Hospital.
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