The Bee Gees were a singing trio of brothers
Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb that became one of the most
successful musical acts of all time. The group's name is derived from
the initials "B.G.", primarily standing for "The Brothers
Gibb." [1] The Bee Gees added the second "E" to the "Bee"
to be next to The Beatles in music stores. Maurice, who had been the
musical director of the Bee Gees during their final years as a group,
died suddenly on January 12, 2003, from a strangulated intestine.
Initially, his surviving brothers announced that they intended to carry
on the name "Bee Gees" in his memory. But as time passed they
decided to retire the group name, leaving it to represent the three
brothers together. Robin died in May 2012, aged 62, after a prolonged struggle
with cancer and other health problems, leaving Barry as the only surviving member
of the group. The Bee Gees were inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997
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