Since I Don't Have You and It's Only Make Believe

Lou Christie's chart topping, multi-million selling career as a songwriter, recording artist, and performer started in a two-track studio in Glenwillard Pennsylvania, his rural hometown near Pittsburgh. Leslie Gore was born in New York City on May 2, 1946. She first entered the Top 40 charts with the #1 hit, IT'S MY PARTY, in May of 1963, just after her 17th birthday. She quickly racked up several more hit records as she became the standard bearer for teenage angst. Such Top 5 hits as JUDY'S TURN TO CRY, SHE'S A FOOL, and YOU DON'T OWN ME united teenage girls around the world with someone who seemed to be going through the same things they were. Gore had been working on a memoir and a Broadway show based on her life when she died of lung caner on February 16, 2015.
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