Little Darling
#2 in 1957

Dave Somerville, a.k.a. “Diamond” Dave Somerville was born October 2, 1933, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Best known as co-founder and original lead singer of The Diamonds, one of the most popular vocal groups of the 1950s. Somerville performed 8 years with The Diamonds and had great success singing lead on all 16 of their Billboard hits, peaking with the song, “Little Darlin'” that for 8 weeks, remained at number 2 on the charts becoming the 3rd best selling single record of 1957. In August 1961, Somerville left The Diamonds, married Judy Corns of Evansville, IN and began a 6-year career as a folk “single” under the name David Troy. That same year Dave joined The Four Preps singing the bass part as the first replacement member for that group. Dave Somerville died of pancreatic cancer on July 14, 2015.
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