In Crowd
#13 in 1965

Lawrence Darrow Brown, AKA Dobie Gray was born to a family of sharecroppers in Simonton, a small Texas town a few miles west of Houston. Greatly influenced by his grandaddy, a Baptist minister, Dobie's life revolved around the family, the church and music. Gospel, Country, Tex-Mex, and R&B all found a comfortable home in his repertoire. After moving from Texas to Calfornia in in the early 60's, Dobie met Sonny Bono, then A&R manager for Specialty Records. That encounter eventually led to his first notable single, Look At Me. Although Look At Me remained on the charts a healthy five weeks, his breakthrough came in 1965 with the release of The In Crowd . Dobie died on December 6, 2011, of complications from Cancer surgery in Nashville, Tennessee. On June 25, 2019 it was reported that his material was destroyed in the 2008 fire at Universal.
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