I Knew From the Start
#18 in 1961

Originally formed in their native Louisville Kentucky as the Crazy Sounds, the group moved to Cleveland, where legendary disc jockey Alan Freed renamed them the Moonglows. The group consisted of Bobby "Lester" Dallas, Harvey Fuqua, Alexander "Pete" Graves, and Prentiss Barnes, with Billy Johnson on guitar. In 1958, shortly after the Moonglows recorded their final hit, "10 Commandments of Love", Fuqua re-asserted himself as the group's lead singer, putting Lester further in the background causing friction among group members. In 1960, Fuqua moved to Detroit, Michigan, disbanded the Moonglows. The revived 1972 Moonglows are made up of Harvey Fuqua, Bobby Lester, Pete Graves, Doc Williams and Chuck Lewis.
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