The trio was composed of folk song writer Peter
Yarrow, (Noel) Paul Stookey and Mary Travers. After the death of Mary
Travers in 2009, Yarrow and Stookey continued to perform as a duo under
their individual names. The trio broke up in 1970 to pursue solo careers
and after Peter Yarrow's arrest and conviction for making sexual
advances toward a 14-year-old girl. Years later, Yarrow received a
presidential pardon from Jimmy Carter. In 1972, they reunited for a
concert at Madison Square Garden to support George McGovern's
presidential campaign, and again in 1978, for a concert to protest
against nuclear energy. In 2004, Travers was diagnosed with leukemia.
The Peter, Paul and Mary trio came to an end on September 16, 2009, when
Mary Travers died at age 72 of complications from chemotherapy,
following treatment for leukemia. It was the same year (2009) they were
inducted into the Hit Parade Hall of Fame.
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