Duane Eddy was born in Corning, New York, April 26, 1938, he
began playing guitar at age five, emulating his cowboy hero, Gene
Autry.His family moved west to Arizona in 1951. In early 1954, in
Coolidge, Eddy met local disc jockey, Lee Hazlewood, (Summer Wine with
Nancy Sinatra) who would become his longtime partner, co-writer and
producer. On January 9, 1959, Eddys debut album, Have Twangy
Guitar Will Travel, was released, reaching #5, and remaining on the
album charts for an unprecedented 82 weeks. In 1960, the UK's "New
Musical Express" voted him World's Number One Musical Personality,
ousting Elvis Presley from his long held position. That same year. Duane
Eddy was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994.
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