Down on the Corner
#3 in 1969

Creedence Clearwater Revival commonly referred to by their initials CCR or simply Creedence, was an American rock band, fronted by John Fogerty. Though hailing from the Bay Area of California, the group was influenced by the swamp blues genre that came out of south Louisiana in the late 1950s and early to mid-1960s. CCR cultivated a Louisiana connection through its choice of song and album titles, such as "Born on the Bayou," Bayou Country, and Mardi Gras, as well as through the southern "good ol' boy" image projected by its members. Several of their songs also protest against the Vietnam War, such as "Who'll Stop the Rain", "Run Through the Jungle", "Wrote a Song for Everyone" and most notably "Fortunate Son". The band took its name from Credence Nuball, a friend of Tom Fogerty; "clearwater", a reference to the band's concern for the ecology (from a beer commercial of the day); and "revival", which spoke to the four members' re-commitment to their band. Members of the band incluce * John Fogerty – vocals, guitar, harmonica, piano * Tom Fogerty – guitar, vocals, piano * Stu Cook – bass, vocals * Doug Clifford – drums, percussion, vocals
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