Davy Jones (The Monkees) Daydream Believer
#1 in 1967

Davy Jones was born at 20 Leamington Street, Openshaw, Manchester, England. From 1966 to 1971, Jones was a member of the Monkees, a pop-rock group formed expressly for a television show of the same name. Jones sang lead vocals on many of the Monkees' recordings, including "I Wanna Be Free" and "Daydream Believer" On the morning of February 29, 2012, Jones went to tend his 14 horses at a farm in Indiantown, Florida. After riding one of his favorite horses around the track, he complained of chest pains and difficulty breathing. He was rushed to Martin Memorial South Hospital in Stuart, Florida, where he was pronounced dead of a severe heart attack due to atherosclerosis.
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