Coney Island Baby
#51 in 1962
#15 on the Doo Wop Top 100
The original Bronx based group was first formed in 1960 as The
Premiers. In June of 1961, " Red Red Robin ", and a remake of
the Jesters 1957 classic " Love No One But You " were recorded
and issued on Mermaid records. In January 1962, their signature smash
hit " CONEY ISLAND BABY " was arranged, and released as the B
side of their version of the Cleftones 1955 hit " You Baby You ".
Both songs were recorded in February 1962, and released on Blast records
in April of that year. The Excellents group is comprised of vocalists: Original
lead singer and first tenor, John Kuse, Mal Bruntvedt, John Accardo and
Joe Noto. And the terrific backup band: Keith Dibuduo (Bass Guitar ),
Roger Andersen (Keyboards), Dino Piarulli (Drums ), Ron (Rooster)
Crawford on Saxophone, and Steve Raimer (Musical Director and Lead
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