The Del-Vikings were formed in 1955 by members of the United
States Air Force stationed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with Clarence
Quick, Kripp Johnson, Don Jackson, Samuel Paterson, and Bernard
Robertson. The group was notable for being one of the few racially
integrated musical groups to attain success in the 1950s. Clarence Quick
died on May 5, 1983 of a heart attack in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Corinthian
"Kripp" Johnson died of cancer on June 22, 1990 in Detroit, Michigan,
at age 57.
This is a non-profit, informational web page, meant to be a
reminder of the music we listened to 50 years ago. Use of copyrighted
material is consistent with the "fair use" provisions contained in
section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976; the use of copyrighted material is
of a nonprofit, educational nature, intended for the sole purposes of
research and comment and does not significantly negatively affect "the
potential market for or value of the copyrighted work(s)."