This R&B vocal group came from Los Angeles, California.
The Shields were group formed in 1958 by producer George Motola
to record a cover version of the Slades’ ‘You Cheated’.
The membership has always been conjectural, but it is generally
accepted to have comprised of lead Frankie Ervin (b. 27 March 1926,
Blythe, California, falsetto Jesse Belvin (b. 15 December 1932,
San Antonio, Texas, d. 6 February 1960), Johnny ‘Guitar’ Watson
(b. 3 February 1935, Houston, Texas, d. 17 May 1996, Yokohama, Japan),
Mel Williams and Buster Williams. ‘You Cheated’, which went to number
11 R&B and number 12 pop in 1958, was the group’s only hit, and the
song remains one of the most enduring legacies of the age of doo-wop.
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