#10 in 1959

William Jan Berry was born on Apri l3, 1941, and Dean Ormsby Torrence was born March 10, 1940. Although Jan & Dean pre-dated The Beach Boys, they became most famously associated with the vocal "surf music" craze inspired by The Beach Boys. Both born in Los Angeles, California, they began singing together after football practice at University High School. With the help of friend Herb Alpert and record producer Lou Adler, Jan & Dean scored a top 10 hit with "Baby Talk" On 12 April 1966, Berry received severe head injuries in a motor vehicle accident. As a result of Berry's accident, Jan & Dean did not perform again until the mid 1970s. Berry travelled a long and difficult road toward recovery from brain damage and partial paralysis. Jan & Dean ended with Berry's death on March 26, 2004, at the age of 62.
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