The Excellents
Coney Island Baby
#51 in 1962

The original members of the Excellents were classmates at Christopher Columbus High School in the Pelham Parkway section of the Bronx. John Kuse, along with his younger brother George, Phil Sanchez, Joel Feldman, Denis Kestenbaum and Chuck Epstein (who actually went to DeWitt Clinton High School) met up in 1960 and started singing together. In January 1962 the group returned to the studio planning on recording a version of the Cleftones' You Baby You. The group had a nice arrangement of the song with standard bass part by Chuck Epstein along with an usual baritone/bass that floated around on the number. However, Catalano and Alonzo also gave the group a song they had written entitled Coney Island Baby. Coney was to actually be the B side to You Baby You.
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