Love Will Keep Us Together
#1 in 1975

The Captain and Tennille consists of "Captain" Daryl Dragon (born August 27, 1942), and Cathryn Antoinette "Toni" Tennille (born May 8, 1940), who are also married. In 1971 Toni Tennille was the co-writer of an ecology-themed musical called Mother Earth. At that time, Daryl Dragon was the keyboardist for The Beach Boys. Dragon recommended Toni to The Beach Boys when the band needed an additional keyboardist, and they hired her. She toured with them for a year, and Toni Tennille has since been forever known as The Beach Boys' one and only "Beach Girl. heir first hit single was a cover of Neil Sedaka's and Howard Greenfield's "Love Will Keep Us Together". Daryl Dragon passed away from complications of kidney failure on January 2, 2019. Toni was at his side when he died.
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