Little Old Lady from Pasadena
#3 in 1964

William Jan Berry born April 3, 1941, and and Dean Ormsby Torrence born March 10, 1940, both hailing from Los Angles. After Dean Torrence returned from a stint in the army reserves, Berry and Torrence began to make music as "Jan and Dean." Jan and Dean reached their commercial peak in 1963 and 1964, after they met Brian Wilson. The duo scored an impressive sixteen Top 40 hits. On April 12, 1966, Berry received severe head injuries in an automobile accident just a short distance from Dead Man's Curve in Los Angeles, California. The duo's first live performance after Berry's accident occurred at the Palomino Nightclub in North Hollywood on June 5, 1976 . Jan and Dean ended with Jan Berry's death on March 26, 2004, after suffering a seizure at the age of 62.
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