Jimmy Clanton
Just a Dream
#4 in 1958 #1 on R&B Chart

Jimmy Clanton was born September 2, 1938, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Clanton formed his first band called the Rockets in 1956 while attending Baton Rouge High School. Jimmy starred in a rock and roll movie produced by Alan Freed called Go Johnny Go.Clanton became a disc jockey at WHEX in Columbia, Pennsylvania between 1972 and 1976 and performed in an oldies revue also in the 1970s, The Masters of Rock 'n' Roll, with Troy Shondell, Ray Peterson, and Ronnie Dove. He had a religious conversion in the 1980s. In the 1995 Jazz Fest in New Orleans, Clanton performed with Ray Charles, Chuck Berry, and Frankie Ford. Jimmy continues to write and record and successfully entertain fans all over the US.
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