#2 in 1965

Len Barry (born Leonard Borisoff) on June 12, 1942 in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Barry had little thought of a show business career while still in school. Instead, he aspired to become a professional basketball player upon his graduation. It was not until he entered military service and had occasion to sing with the US Coast Guard band at Cape May, New Jersey, and was so encouraged by the response of his military audiences, that he decided to make music a career. Barry returned home to Philadelphia and formed the Dovells, he was their lead singer. His is the lead voice on all their best selling records "Bristol Stomp", "Hully Gully Baby", and "You Can't Sit Down". Barry decided to go it on his own and recorded "123" which reached number 2 on the US Top 100. In 2011, Barry was featured in the PBS Series My Music: Rock, Pop & Doo Wop.
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